Since the formation of an international working group consisting of representatives from depots, leasing companies, shipping lines and software providers, the COA has made significant steps in advancing the development and publication of the COA CEDEX Syntax – a complimentary coding standard accessible to all industry stakeholders, including shipping lines, leasing companies, depots, and software providers.
With the latest CEDEX Syntax release version 1.1 the COA hosting platform is now providing comprehensive data for Dry Boxes, Open Top and Hard Top containers.
Presently, the diligent members of the working group are actively engaged in compiling data for Reefer Boxes, 45’ long Containers, and Flatracks, slated for imminent publication.
Commencing mid-May 2024, discussions will pivot towards Reefer Aggregates, prompting the inclusion of additional industry experts spanning all facets of this sector into the working group.
For further details, including an FAQ section, please visit the COA project landing page.