This page contains documents which have been published by the COA to provide a useful resource for its members.
The growing global fleet of maritime containers is subject to a continuous examination program to ensure adherence to the International Convention for Safe Containers (“CSC”) under the guidance of the International Maritime Organization (“IMO”) – which is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine and atmospheric pollution by ships.
The CSC recognizes the need to maintain a high level of safety of human life in the handling, stacking and transporting of containers and is recognizing, in this context, the advantages of formalizing common international safety requirements.
The Container Owners Association (“COA”) and their members underpin the safety and security lined out in the CSC by applying the Container Equipment Data Exchange (“CEDEX”) demonstrated via the International Organization for Standardization (“ISO”) described within the ISO9897 Standard.
More than 30 years after the idea for CEDEX coding for marine container maintenance and repair (“M&R”) was first drafted with the “1985-87 ISO TC104”, the industry´s volatility in respect of CEDEX code- combinations used around the world in container estimates has reached a degree at which a efficient handling of estimates is not ensured anymore.
To reduce the disruptive connotation of container depots along with the need for qualitative reliable estimates on both, the container owner side and the container depots side, an evaluation and structuring of the CEDEX codes has to be achieved by arranging a governance for the coding of maritime containers.
The CEDEX SYNTAX will be internationally agreed by industry experts and is the distilled wisdom of people with expertise in this field and who know the needs of the organizations they represent – people from shipping lines, leasing companies, depots and software providers.
The CEDEX SYNTAX will have a variation based on the inspection criteria, which reflects the efforts of the:
- Institute of International Container Lessors (IICL) with their provided CEDEX SYNTAX focusing on the “IICL6 criteria” with the IICL Equipment Code Standard (IICL-ECS)
- Container Owners Association (COA) with their provided CEDEX SYNTAX focusing, but not limited, on the “Unified Container Inspection and Repair Criteria” (UCIRC)
The CEDEX SYNTAX is provided as neutral industry standard and will therefore be hosted by the COA, to be equally recognized by different stakeholders.
The access to the CEDEX SYNTAX is provided via below link to the COA SYNTAX EDITOR, after requesting login credentials. The editor forms the basis to further develop and maintain the CEDEX SYNTAX within an “ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE” as neutral industry standard.
Demonstration Video
View a demonstration of the COA CEDEX Syntax for Dry Freight Containers

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