Sofitel Hotel, Hamburg
Tuesday 5 November 2019


1.      General Arrangements

·       The COA will be organising its next Flexitank Conference at the Sofitel Hotel, Hamburg on Tuesday 5 November 2019
·       The Meeting will take place from 10.00 to 13.00
·       It will be followed by a buffet lunch for all participants

2.      Conference Registration – Free-of-charge for Members

·       Participation is free-of-charge for two participants from each COA Member company
·       There will be a fee for additional participants and for non-Members.
·       To register, click on this link: REGISTRATION

3.      Meeting Agenda

·       The provisional agenda comprises the following topics:

–       COA flexitank quality management scheme progress and developments
–       Flexitank rail impact testing, UN manual of tests and criteria No. 41.
–       Environment and life-cycle project
–       Reefer & 40ft flexitanks

Further information will be circulated in the coming weeks.

Best regards

Kate Marszalek