A. COA Divisions and Technical Projects
The COA is active with a number of technical projects in 2015:

1. Study on Alternative Flooring Systems

In January, the COA’s New Materials Committee will be publishing its annual “Report on Alternative Flooring Systems”, which has proved to be an important industry reference work. It will contain new information and updated statistics.

2. Study on Water-based Container Coatings

In February, the COA’s New Materials Committee will be publishing its annual “Report on the Availability of Water-based Paints for the Container Industry”, (available only for Members). The Report focuses on the issues relating to the search for water-based paints, the problems associated with the use of solvent-based paints and reviews possible alternatives.

3. COA IT Division

The COA is now in the process of establishing an IT Division, to develop standard processes and protocols in the industry. Further information will be announced later this month

4. COA Flexitank Division

The COA’s Flexitank Division has been restructured and an announcement will be made to Members shortly. This will give an update on the revision to the COA Code of Practice, details of the certification process for PAS 1008, and plans for developing the COA’s Flexitank Compliance List.

5. Non-Operating Reefers

A COA-recommended Code of Practice for Non-Operating Reefers will be launched in 2015

6. Shipper-Owned Containers

A COA-recommended Code of Practice for Shipper-Owned Containers will be published in 2015. This will include details of minimum recommended requirements and guidelines for containers owned and operated by shippers.

B. Information Resources
COA Members have access to a wide range of resources:

1. Your COA Membership Details on the Website

Have you checked your details on the COA Website recently? You can add and amend information, simply by logging-in to the website

2. Reefer Service Facilities Directory

Launched in 2013, the COA Reefer Service Facilities Directory, on the COA Website, gives details of the refrigeration machinery service facilities around the world, and indicates the testing of gases that they are undertaking. For further information, click on:

3. COA Depot Directory

Launched in 2014, the COA Depot Directory provides container owners with a single reference source about container depots worldwide, including depot details, location and services. Go to:

4. Access to the IICL’s Floor Audit Program

All COA Full Members have access to the IICL’s Audit Program of container floor manufacturers, providing key information about floor suppliers.

5. Access to Presentations at all COA Meetings

COA Members have access to all the presentations made at COA Meetings (General, Regional, Flexitank, etc) – these are available for Members to download from the website.

6. CSC Information

The COA will be providing a CSC Information Presentation on its website, available for all Members to download.

C. Conferences and Exhibitions
During the coming year, the COA will be organising a number of Conferences, Meetings and Exhibitions:

1. COA General Members Meetings

Shanghai: Monday 23 March 2015
Hamburg: Monday 16 November 2015
2. 2nd COA North America Meeting

Miami: (Date to be confirmed)
3. 9th COA Flexitank Meeting

Rotterdam, June 2015
4. COA Container Pavilion at Intermodal Exhibitions

The COA will also be organising its COA Container Pavilion at the Intermodal Asia and Intermodal Europe Exhibitions

Intermodal Asia 2015 (Shanghai, 24-26 March 2015)
Intermodal Europe 2015 (Hamburg, 17-19 November 2015)
Please make a note of these dates, and I would like to warmly invite you to participate at these important and useful meetings.